September & October 2019 Newsletter
All the staff would like to welcome both our new and returning children and families to our pre-school. We hope you have had a fun and relaxing summer and are ready for more fun whilst getting to know and make new friends at pre-school. The first day back will be Thursday 5th September.
Each half term we produce a newsletter which will give you a brief outline of the topic and the activities that are on offer for your child; enabling them to learn through play, developing their social and communication skills with other children and adults. During this half term we will help your child settle in and get accustomed to all the new faces and routines at pre-school. Your child’s key person will work with you, making sure the right individual needs are met to support your child and family. Please raise any concerns or questions with them and they will endeavour to do their best to help! They will be available at the start and end of each session if you need to pass on any relevant information or just have a quick chat.
We are fully aware that sometimes children have accidents, get wet or messy during play and whilst we have spare clothes, however we cannot guarantee to have clothes to fit every child! Therefore, please bring in a named bag (small) with a full change of clothes just in case. We strongly advise that everything is named that you bring into pre-school, including coats, shoes, lunch boxes and bags etc.
Please remember when packing your child’s lunch box (if applicable) that we are a NUT AND CONFECTIONARY FREE ZONE!! Children’s lunch boxes need to include a drinks bottle, ice packs (as we have no refrigeration space for them all) and that all tubs are named! At pre-school we are a ‘dummy free’ setting... please could you make sure that your child’s dummy is left at home in a safe place. It is important for their social and language development that they do not have one in the setting.
We would also like to ask if you could discourage your child from bringing in ‘toys from home’, as we would hate for them to get lost, and cause your child to become upset. We will have designated times throughout the year to allow your child to ‘Show and tell’ which we will inform you beforehand.
Finally, we are looking forward to embracing all new children and parents to the family of Little Dolphins on their new exciting journey with us and for those returning to continue to support and encourage them to achieve their best!
Facebook – We have a closed group page called ‘Parents of Little Dolphins’ where we upload the newsletter, special activities, tips and committee news – please add us to see all the latest news.
Tapestry – please let a member of staff know if you have any questions or experience any problems with logging in to tapestry.
What we are planning on exploring this half term:
Topic: All about me / Nursery rhymes.
Week 1: 5th – 6th September – Settling in.
- Sharing settling in bags.
- Exploring our pre-school.
- Free choice activities.
Week 2: 9th – 13th September – All about me.
- Sharing settling in bags.
- Paper plate self-portrait.
- How tall am I? activity.
- Song: It’s good to see you here.
- Stories about starting pre-school.
Week 3: 16th – 20th September – My family.
- My family paper chain.
- Happy me – decorating biscuits.
- Exploring bubbles on the school field.
- Song: Finger family.
- Stories about families.
Week 4: 23rd – 27th September – My friends.
- Turn taking games.
- Learning about pre-school’s ‘golden rules’.
- Small group music and movement sessions in the music room.
- Exploring paint and different textures.
- Songs about making friends.
- Stories about friendships.
Week 5: 30th September – 4th October – Baa Baa Black Sheep.
- Introducing circle time into morning routine – focus nursery rhyme bag.
- Sheep collage.
- Introducing small world scenes (farm yard).
- Songs from the nursery rhyme bag.
- Stories about animals.
Week 6: 7th – 11th October – Incy Wincy Spider.
- Circle time focus – weather.
- Spider beads.
- Glitter spider webs.
- Create bug area in the garden.
- Songs about weather.
- Stories about spiders.
Week 7: 14th – 18th October – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
- Circle time focus – ‘Wow’ stars.
- Making star biscuits.
- Music and movement – how to catch a star.
- Song: Twinkle Twinkle
- Stories about stars.
Week 8: 21st – 25th October – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I caught a Fish alive!
- Circle time focus – days of the week.
- Fish and number collage.
- Fishing for phonics.
- Let’s go fishing activity.
- Song: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive.
- Stories about fishes.
October half term: Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November.
First day back: Monday 4th November.